103 Squadron RAF



 No 103 Squadron RAF 1918 Personnel

Photo courtesy of Robert Murphy

Lt. Carl Hastings Heebner, Pilot (Canadian) KIA 24 Sep 1918 on his 55th mission having served with the Squadron since May. Described by his CO as showing "constant gallantry and devotion to duty" throughout his time with the squadron, completing "110 hours of war flying". He was credited with shooting down one enemy machine.

Photo courtesy of F Woolley

2nd Lt John James Nicholls Observer, died of wounds on 30 October 1918. He joined 103 Sqn on 19 September 1918 and flew 16 bombing and recce missions with them before his demise. His pilot who survived was Lt. G B Hett DFC.

103 Sqn OC wrote to HQ 80th Wing after his mission on 30 October:

2/Lt J J Nicholls

I should like to bring before your notice the gallant conduct of the above Flying Officer (Observer). When returning home after having taken part in a successful low raid on a German aerodrome this Observer’s machine was fiercely engaged by 3 Enemy Aircraft (Fokker Biplanes). Although badly wounded in the leg in the early stages of the fight this officer succeeded in destroying two of his enemies, both of which were seen to crash and kept a level fight with the third, which still continued to attack, until it was shot down by a Snipe machine which came to his aid.

This officer’s conduct when he returned to his aerodrome was especially good; notwithstanding his grave and painful wound he seemed to have no interest apart from that of obtaining confirmation of the destruction of his adversaries.

His final missions on 30th October are described here.


Photo courtesy of John Tyrrell

2nd Lt. Albert Edward Tyrrell, Pilot, who served with the squadron from July to September 1918. Flew with Lt. Round (WIA 22 July), Lt. Nixon, Lt. Jenkins and Lt. Huntley


